一次到尼泊爾登山旅行,讓我第一次真正體會到生命所帶來的坦然,安然自在,這就是我的 "幸福旅程"的開端。
在山上,登山的旅人都會互通訊息,他們說相比起尼泊爾這個 "天堂"的地方,印度有如煉獄般...............
大概是因為這個地方的貧窮、外表的破落、雜亂無章, 至令人有這樣的感覺,亦因為這一切,我才有機會學習放下 "文明人"的愚見,尋找內在片刻的寧靜。
The mountain trekking in Nepal let me truly experience for the first time, the calmness and infinity that life brings. This is the beginning of my “Wellness Travel”.
In the mountain, other trekkers told us that compared with Nepal this “heaven”, India is like a purgatory....................Probably because of the poverty, chaotic semblance of this place, that makes one having such feeling. However, because of all these, I have the opportunity to learn to leave aside my so called“civilized” opinion, seeking the intrinsic moment of tranquility.