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Dancercise 舞習作・ 2020-2021
8月 : 《Welcome back to dance 回來跳舞 - 舞蹈工作坊》
11月 : 《The Experienced Body 工作坊》
12月 : 《身體即興工作坊》
2021年 : 《Gaga 動作靈感工作坊》
2021年:《探索的旅程 - 舞蹈工作坊》

Beyond Dance・ 2020-2021
5月 - 2021年1月 : 《在動中的自我察覺 - 舞蹈動作治療體驗》
9月 - 10月 : 《做自己的情緒容器 - 舞蹈動作治療體驗》
10月- 2021年:《舞動好心情 - 長者舞動體驗》
2021年 : 《Body Mind Centering 入門工作坊》


澳門藝術節 - 紀錄劇場《從記憶看見你》

2016年7月17日 星期日

舞在當下 ﹣ 舞者的瑜伽修習課 Ancient spirit _ Contemporary bodies – Yoga for dancer

Dancercise | 舞習作

舞在當下 ﹣ 舞者的瑜伽修習課 2016

Ancient spirit _ Contemporary bodies – Yoga for dancer (2016)

解剖你的身, 解讀你的心,


Find out the mysteries of the body, open up the password of your heart.
Let’s go further into the practice of yoga by embracing the ancient Indian philosophy and modern science.

日期|Date:2016 /08 /20 ~ 08 / 22

時間|Time:共九小時 a total of 9 hrs
8/20 @ 18:00-21:00;
8/21 @ 14:30-18:30;
(含式子練習,西方解剖學及東方身體元素理論及理論 Asana+Lecture on western anatomyand eastern view of body elements)
8/22 @ 19:30-21:30.

歡迎單堂報讀 Welcome for single class enrollment

導師|Teacher:楊惠美 Wai-Mei Yeung (E-RYT200) | 美國 USA.香港 HK

祐漢新邨第四街祐成工業大廈第一期4 樓 (心在澳門葡國土風舞協會)
Rua Quatro do Bairro Iao Hon, Iao Seng Industrial Building, Phase I, 4F (Macau No Coraçãom)

MOP800 (7月31日前報名及繳費MOP600 Enroll & pay before Jul 31, MOP600)

單堂報讀,以每小時MOP100計算 Single class, MOP100/hr

Workshop is eligible for people with at least two-years regular dance training or one-year regular yoga practice experience.

報名|Registration: https://form.jotform.me/61811946416458

查詢|Enquiry:63035880 (OSCAR)

*參加者自備瑜伽墊。Please bring your own yoga mat

** 參加者可於日後 (2016年內) 免費參加由本會不定期舉行的“習舞場”瑜伽練習課
Participants are eligible to join our “Dancercise Floor” – asana practice for free, to be held during the year of 2016.

主辦| Organizer :
梳打埠實驗工場 Soda- City Experimental Workshop

資助| Sponsor:
澳門特區政府文化局 Cultural Affairs Bureau of Macau SAR Government

導師簡介 | About our teacher:

楊惠美是國際著名的舞者、舞蹈導師和瑜伽導師,並為香港舞蹈年奬得主。畢業於香港演藝學院及美國愛荷華大學碩士學位,主修藝術。現定居於美國並為美國 Barefoot Yoga Studio 合夥人之一,惠美對運動和瑜伽有很廣泛的研究。並樂意將她的教學經驗和學員分享。惠美現為美國瑜伽聯盟(Yoga Alliance) 200 小時資深的瑜伽註冊導師 (E-RYT 200),並持續修練瑜伽,曾跟從Byran Kest, Anna Forrest, John Friend, Stephanie Snyder 與Dina Amsterdam等學習。自2013年起,惠美每年均獲邀回港開辦 “200 小時「YOGA ALLIANCE」認可專業教師培訓證書課程”,擔任課程導師。

Wai-Mei Yeung (E-RYT-200, MFA)
Wai-Mei is an internationally renowned choreographer, dance teacher and yoga teacher. She graduated from the Hong Kong Academy for Performing Arts and the University of Iowa with a Master degree in Fine Arts. She is the co-owner, with Robert Boswell, of the Barefoot Yoga Studio in California, U.S.A. With her extensive studies of movement and yoga, she is excited to share her passion in the art of teaching yoga.

Wai-Mei is an ERYT (Experienced Registered Yoga Teacher) 200 hrs with Yoga Alliance. She continues her study of yoga with many great yoga masters including Byran Kest, Anna Forrest and John Friend, Stephanie Snyder, Dina Amsterdam etc.