11月24-25日 / Nov.24-25
澳門城市藝穗2010 :"記憶-跨媒體音樂會"
創作意念 Creative Concept:
台灣聲音藝術家木小孩 (MU Child) 與澳門音樂愛好者Cult_loc,在2008年五月在印度,在不可預期的空間中,兩人在印度的聖地恆河相遇,兩人於期間學習印度古典音樂。兩位藝術家各自於印度進行他們生命的旅程。自古恆長的恆河地區,給了許多現代與傳統藝術家許多靈感與啟發,兩位藝術家面對其個人不同的生命旅程後,回到各自生活地景,試著將在恆河所得到養份,表現於他們的空間裡,兩位不同生活背景的藝術家,試著碰撞出讓人不可預期的結果。
Taiwan sound artist MU Child and Macao music lover Cult_loc met in India in May 2008. In an unexpected space, they encountered with each other in the holy land of Ganges River, where they learned Indian classical music. Since ancient time, Ganges region is the place of many artists’ inspiration, after finishing a part of their life journey in India, each of the two artists returned home, trying to cultivate the nutrients they got in Ganges and expressed in their different aspect of live. In this concert, the two artists of different life background, attempt to crash out an unexpected result.
創作團隊 Creative team:
音樂 Music : (台灣/Taiwan) 木小孩 MU child; (澳門/Macao) Cult_loc
影像 Video:(澳門/Macao) Saiyan
舞蹈 Choreography:(澳門/Macao) 郭瑞萍 Candy Kuok
MU Child 與 Cult_loc,集結澳門與台灣、印度三地的環境音景錄音,在這樣的聲音大氣層中,他們將進行聲音詩的書寫。MU Child透過各種黑膠報廢唱片與Cult_loc的印度樂器現場採樣,並結合影像騎師 Saiyan現場進行的影像剪接,形體舞者的肢體演譯,將印度古城與現代繁囂城市的脈絡層層交織。
By collecting environmental sound recordings from the three places, Macao, Taiwan and India, MU Child and Cult_loc will carry out a sonic poetry writing in an irresistible ambience.
With MU Child’s selection of scrapped vinyl records and Cult_loc’s field sampling of Indian musical instruments, combining the live video edited images of Saiyan, and movement interpretation of the dancer, the context of bustling modern city and ancient India intertwined.
表演者 Performer:
木小孩 (MU Child); Cult_Loc; Saiyan; 羅家輝 (Lo Ka Fai)
演出地點 Venue:
友誼橋大馬路,黑沙灣海濱公園(近明珠雕塑,君悅灣對面)“Parque Marginal de Areia Preta” @ Avenida da Ponte da Amizade (near The Pearl sculpture, opposite “The Residencia Macau”)
到演出地點路線 Route:
到達馬場東大馬路的巴士路線:2, 3A,6,MT3, 12, 17, 19
From the“Youth Activity Center of Bairro do Hipódromo” at Avenida Leste Hipódromo, walk across the pedestrian bridge and keep going forth for 5 mins.
Bus route: No.2, 3A,6,MT3, 12, 17, 19