OFF | SITE ‧ 在場 2015
在地創作.演出 Site-specific Performance
OFF the stage on the SITE
藝術遊街 在地創作
7 個單人演出 + 2 場身體條件訓練課 / 7 solos performances + 2 Opening training Classes
國際著名藝術家Kitt Johnson 聯同六位本地藝術創作人深入祐漢社區,帶大家經驗一趟刺激五感的觀演旅程
Renowned Danish artist Kitt Johnson, together with 6 local artists from Macao, explore Iao Hon community, and rope up a journey that stimulating your five senses.
路線 A | Route A
日期 | Date:2015/11/14 , 15
路線B | Route B
日期 | Date:2015/11/21 , 22
時間 | Time:16:00(全程約兩小時 approx. 2 hrs)
參與創作人 | Artists
姬特.約翰遜|Kitt Johnson
郭瑞萍|Candy Kuok
林嘉碧|Lam Ka Pik
鄺天樂 | Cita Kuong
張娜燕 | Anna Cheong
張楚誠 | Oscar Cheong
莫倩婷 | Jenny Mok
票價 | Ticket
單路線票Single route ticket : MOP120
路線A及B套票 Route A + B combo : MOP200
購票地點 | Box Office
邊度有書,牛房倉庫 Pinto Bookstore, Ox Warehouse
『身體條件訓練』是一系列富強度、充滿活力與韻律的身體鍛練組合,它渘合了西方舞蹈訓練及日本舞踏藝術家田中泯(Min Tanaka)所創的“身體氣象”中的MB(即心靈/身體、肌肉/骨架)動作訓練方法,訓練能有效地運動身體的每一個部位,加強身體的耐力,流動性,伸展度,協調性和平衡性。對身體正位,重心,呼吸,時間和空間的意識亦得以增強。
Open Training is dynamic, powerful training across the floor, accompanied by music. It works every part of the body effectively, strengthening your endurance, mobility, coordination and balance. Awareness of centre, alignment, grounding, breathing, time and space is enhanced. Each session concludes with stretching.
The training is a mixture of western dance forms and MB (muscle-bone or mind-body: the physical training component of butoh dancer Min Tanaka’s Body Weather approach), suitable for anybody who wants to work on increasing awareness of the body. Beginners and professionals alike are welcome – and all levels can benefit from the training.
日期及時間 | Date & Time:
Class A - 2015/11/8 周日 Sun : 10:30- 12:30
Class B - 2015/11/10 周二 Tues : 19:30 - 21:00
每課1.5小時 | 1.5 hours per class
地點 | Venue:
祐漢新邨第四街祐成工業大廈第一期4 樓 (心在澳門葡國土風舞協會﹣排練室)
Rua Quatro do Bairro Iao Hon, Iao Seng Industrial Building, Phase I, 4F (Macau No Coraçãom - Studio)
導師 | Facilitator :
Kitt Johnson (丹麥|Denmark)
學費|Fee:MOP110 / 每堂 per class
對象 | Participant:任何人士 | All levels
報名 | Registration :
查詢 | Enquiries : 6303 5880
節目詳情 | Programme Details :
海外支持:Danish Arts Foundation