Bartenieff Fundamentals / Laban Movement Analysis and Somatic Practice
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導師: John Chanik (美國)
在眾多身心技法中,以「人體動作」做為自我探索和治療、且被廣為應用的身心動作療法包括:費登奎斯方法(Feldenkrais Method)、亞歷山大技巧(Alexander Technique)、意動法 (Ideokinesis)、身心平衡技巧(Body-Mind Centering)、芭特妮芙基本動作 (Bartenieff Fundamentals)、及拉邦動作分析 (Laban Movement Analysis)。是次工作坊則結合「芭特妮芙基本動作」(BF)和「拉邦動作分析」(LMA) 的學習,能更全面從動作的功能性 (functional) 及表達性(expressive) 內容來理解人體運動模式,啓發人們在運動中的更大潛力,加深身與心的連繫,改善生活品質。
工作坊將透過BF中的地板動作練習,以找到更有效發揮動作機能性的方法;亦會以站立和移動動作探索LMA系統中 「動作質地」(Effort) 和「人體塑型」(Shape) 這兩個動作分析工具,學習在運動中覺察自己的身體,瞭解自己的動作偏好,增強動作表達力,成為一位更加充滿活力的動作者和溝通者。
日期|2021/2/22、3/1 、3/8 、3/15、3/22 (5次週一晚上)
時間|19:30 – 22:00
授課語言|英文 (現場輔以簡單粵語傳譯)
第 二 階 段 : 面 授 課
2021年第三季 (實際日期須視乎外地人士入境澳門之疫情通關操施及安排)
工 作 坊 對 象
學 費 及 優 惠
早鳥|澳門元 600 (1月31日前完成報名及繳費)
正價|澳門元 800
報 名
導 師 簡 介
John Chanik |美國
- 動作分析師、身心動作治療師及教育家、結締組織與筋膜治療師;
- 擁有30多年動作教育、分析和治療經驗;
- 自1991年起從事拉邦動作分析領域的教學工作,並於紐約擔任拉班動作研究學院認證項目主管;
- 曾於Richard Bachrach博士的骨病理醫學中心工作了7年;
- 曾於Theresa Lamb 教授的結締組織療法培訓課程中任教;
- 曾任體育訓練學院的運動專家,曾於紐約市的公立學校教授舞蹈,波士頓大學演員的動作指導老師;
- 近年起常獲邀到亞洲地區進行教學工作,包括台灣的“拉班運動分析”認證計劃、中國內地的LMA和Bartenieff Fundamentals課程導師等;
- 私人執業:動作評估、動作教練、療愈性健身、結締組織治療;
- 康復專家:主要針對慢性疼痛、過度使用、舞蹈損傷;
- 擁有豐富的現代舞蹈和芭蕾舞背景,擁有美國猶他大學Bachelor of Fine Art學位。他與許多不同的老年人和舞者一起工作,範圍包括從保持高水平的功能到管理慢性損傷和身體狀況;
- John是一位熱心的環保主義者,喜歡遠足,園藝和騎自行車。他獲取了永續耕種設計 (Permaculture Design) 認證,並對研究和採用可持續生活方式的方法非常感興趣。
甚麼是拉邦動作分析 / 芭特妮芙基本動作 ?
創始人:Rudolph Laban (1879-1958),奧匈帝國人
要點:此乃一套用來分析、表現、觀察和記錄人體動作的系統方法。這套系統提供了察覺動作的方法、描述動作的語言和記錄動作的符號,適用於任何身體動作的研究和探索(Scott, 1996)。目前普遍地應用在創造性動作教育、表演藝術、舞蹈教學及體育課程中。這套系統主要針對四個方向來進行人體動作的觀察和分析:包括身體(body)、空間(space)、動作質地 (Effort) 和 人體塑型(Shape)。
芭特妮芙基本動作(Bartenieff Fundamentals):連結關係
創始人:Irmgard Bartenieff (1900-1981),德國人
要點:此技法乃從身體組成結構和使用模式的功能性概念來思考人體動作。她將自身的復健工作和拉邦的系統做了某種程度的結合和應用,特別強調「產生動作時身體內在連繫(internal body connectivity)的重要性」,即當動作發生時,協調與否主要受到身體的連結、重心的控制、動作的引發源頭及其隨後發生的動作所影響(Hackney, 1998)。這一套身體訓練的方法,主要是幫助內在身體的連結及向外表達之間的交互作用,及內外和諧調整的關係,因此她特別關心身體的內在支持,以便能促進有功用和有效的動作經驗。
(參考資料來源:期刊論文-身心動作療法(Somatic Movement Therapy)對舞蹈訓練的啟發|劉美珠。)
Teacher : John Chanik (U.S.A)
There are many modes of somatic practices. Bartenieff Fundamentals (BF) and Laban Movement Analysis (LMA) offer excellent methods to deepen the connections between body and mind by fully exploring the functional and expressive aspects of movement.
In this workshop you will be introduced to Bartenieff Fundamentals and the Effort/Shape aspects of LMA. The BF/LMA approach integrates the functional and expressive aspects of all movement to develop one’s ultimate potential in movement. BF helps one find efficient, functional movement and incorporates Effort and Shape to enhance the expressive side of movement. Function supports expression and expression supports function. Classes will include Bartenieff Fundamentals on the floor, standing and moving and explorations of basic Effort and Shape. The application of the material covered will be based on the movement interests of the participants.
This workshop will be exciting and useful to dancers, choreographers, teachers and those engaged in somatic practices of their own and with students and clients.
FB Event|https://www.facebook.com/events/2475550076084285
Phase I:On-line class
Date|2021/2/22、3/1 、3/8 、3/15、3/22 (5 Friday evenings)
Time|19:30 – 22:00
Mode|Instructor conducts classes online, participants learn together in the studio arranged by the organizer
Language|English (with Cantonese interpretation)
Venue|Rua de Francisco Xavier Pereira, Edf. Industrial Pou Fung, No. 137-145, 8° A
Phase II:Face-to-Face teaching
The third quarter of 2021 (The actual date depends on the entry restriction in response to COVID-19)
Intended Participant
Anyone engaged in movement-related fields, interest to experience their body through somatic practice, seek attunement for their body movement.
Fee & Discounts
On-line Class(registration starts now)
Early bird discount|MOP600 (registered and completion of payment before 31st Jan 2021)
Contact Class(For Further Announcement)
Those who joined the online class in Phase I are eligible for a special rate in Phase II.
About the teacher
John Chanik |U.S.A, New York
Certified Movement Analyst (CMA) , Connective Tissue Techniques (CTT), Registered Somatic Movement Therapist and Educator (RSMT / RSME), John has taught and worked in the fields of Movement Analysis extensively since 1989. John has been on the faculty of the Yearlong, Intensive and Modular Certificate Programs in Laban Movement Analysis since 1991. He has coordinated the Yearlong Program in New York City for over 20 years. He is also co-coordinating and teaching in a Certification Program in Laban Movement Analysis in Taiwan. Currently John also maintains a private practice in therapeutic fitness, movement coaching and Connective Tissue Therapy. John has worked with many different client populations from the elderly to dancers; on issues ranging from maintaining a high level of function to managing chronic injuries and body conditions. John has taught workshops in LMA and Bartenieff Fundamentals in mainland China for Apollo China and he has taught for Moving on Center’s Somatic Movement Therapy Training pro-gram in NYC. John worked for seven years at Dr. Richard Bachrach’s Center for Osteo-pathic Medicine. John has taught in Connective Tissue Therapy training programs given by Theresa Lamb, has been a movement specialist at the Sports Training Institute, taught dance in NYC public schools and was a guest instructor in movement for actors at Boston University.
John has an extensive background in modern dance and ballet and holds a BFA from the University of Utah. John is an ardent environmentalist who enjoys hiking, gardening and biking. John is certified in Permaculture Design and has a great interest in investigating and adopting methods for sustainable living.
Organizer|Soda-City Experimental Workshop
Sponsor|Cultural Affairs Bureau of Macao SAR Government