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Dancercise 舞習作・ 2020-2021
8月 : 《Welcome back to dance 回來跳舞 - 舞蹈工作坊》
11月 : 《The Experienced Body 工作坊》
12月 : 《身體即興工作坊》
2021年 : 《Gaga 動作靈感工作坊》
2021年:《探索的旅程 - 舞蹈工作坊》

Beyond Dance・ 2020-2021
5月 - 2021年1月 : 《在動中的自我察覺 - 舞蹈動作治療體驗》
9月 - 10月 : 《做自己的情緒容器 - 舞蹈動作治療體驗》
10月- 2021年:《舞動好心情 - 長者舞動體驗》
2021年 : 《Body Mind Centering 入門工作坊》


澳門藝術節 - 紀錄劇場《從記憶看見你》

2016年12月8日 星期四

Macao City Fringe 2017: 愛與死的證言 The Other Side of the Sacred

《愛與死的證言》|《The Other Side of the Sacred》

環境舞蹈劇場  Site-specific Dance Theatre

「七」是個神秘的數字,在各種靈性傳統之中,它代表神聖、幸運、完美、罪惡、循環,意味著對真相和未知永無休止的探求,亦象徵大自然周而復始、生生不息的力量。前烏塔帕舞團成員、著名編舞家Nina Dipla夥拍本地編舞家郭瑞萍,以及澳門梳打埠實驗工場,展開一次環境舞蹈的創作之旅,透過舞蹈、詩歌、音樂作為媒介,探索環境與身體的相即相入。兩位編舞將帶領一眾舞者在九澳聖母村中尋覓失落的風光,以七種詩般意象翻開遺忘已久的往事;而觀眾在靜默中,慢慢跟著詩人的舞蹈,思索愛與死的證言,回歸內在靜悟重生。


“7” is a mysterious number, which might represent sacredness, fortune or sin in various religious beliefs; it can also symbolise the endless life cycle and the ever-growing energy of nature. With dance, poetry and music, Candy Kuok (Macao) and Nina Dipla (Greece) , will take the audience to a trip at Nossa Senhora Village, Coloane, and explore the harmonious relationships between the environment and human bodies, and experience the internal awakening.

It's your road, and yours alone. Others may walk it with you, but no one can walk it for you.” 
- Jalaluddin Rumi (the 13th century Persian poet)

路環 - 九澳聖母村

票價:澳門幣 50


- 演出時間一小時二十分鐘,不設中場休息
- 適合十三歲或以上人士參加
- 演出以流動形式進行,期間須步行至不同地點觀看演出

Nossa Senhora Village, Ká Hó, Coloane

Price:MOP 50
Ticketing: Macau Ticketing Network

Choreographers: Nina Dipla , Candy Kuok
Nina Dipla, Candy Kuok, Anna Cheong, Jan Hui, Katrina Lai, Cita Kuong, Oscar Cheong , Day Wu
Live Music: Hong Iat U (violin) , Dave Wan (hand pan)
Producers: Tomas Tse , Candy Kuok
Technical Director: Ip Weng Man

- Duration: approximately 1 hour 20 minutes, no interval
- Suitable for aged 13+
- Audience is required to walk to various performance spots
Shuttle bus services are available to and from the venue; 
Meeting point: Old Court Building
Time: 14:00 sharp (no-wait)

主辦  Organizer:澳門特區政府文化局  Cultural Affairs Bureau, Macao SAR Government
製作 Production:梳打埠實驗工場藝術協會  Soda-City Experimental Workshop

Macao City Fringe 2017 : 環境舞蹈劇場研習工作坊 | Workshop on Environmental Dance Theatre (1/5~1/8)

2017 澳門城市藝穗節 工作坊
2017 Macao City Fringe Workshop

《The Other Side of the Sacred》
環境舞蹈劇場研習工作坊 | Workshop on Environmental Dance Theatre


1月5, 6 日( 星期四、五)19:30 – 21:30

1月 7 日( 星期六)11:00 入營
1月 8日(星期日)17:00 離開營地


* 住宿費用由主辦方提供,參加者須自費集訓期間之飲食


Led by experienced choreographers Nina Dipla and Candy Kuok, participants will experience the true moment when dancing in the environment. Participants may be selected to perform in 2017 Fringe Program "The Other Side of the Sacred" .

4-days-1-night workshop:
Jan 5, 6 (Thursday, Friday) 19:30 – 21:30
Hiu Kok Arts Centre (Basic physical training)

Jan 7 (Saturday) 11:00 enter camp
Jan 8 (Sunday) 17:00 leave camp
Hac Sa Youth Hostel (Two-day intensive training in natural environment)

Number of Participants: 15
(If the number of applicants exceeds the limit, the final list will be decided by the mentors according to applicants’ CVs)

Eligibility : aged 14+** , with no less than two years of experience in dancing
(Please provide dance-related resume while registration)
Languages: Cantonese and English

Registration: http://www.icm.gov.mo/eform/event
Macau Fringe Web: Workshop on Environmental Dance Theatre

* The cost of accommodation will be paid by the organiser, while meals are at participants’ own expenses.
** Admitted participants under 16 years of age will be contacted for parental/guardian consent form.

Organizer : Cultural Affairs Bureau of Macao SAR government
Production: Soda-City Experimental Workshop Arts Association

尼娜.蒂帕拉 Nina Dipla
原藉希臘塞薩洛尼基 (Thessalonique),年青時為希臘國家隊藝術體操運動員。17歲的時候,與塞薩洛尼基的國家大劇院簽署了第一份演出合同。1989年獲學金進入德國埃森福克旺藝術大學舞蹈系 (Folkwang Hochschule University of the Arts, Dance),國際知名舞蹈家碧娜鮑許 (Pina Bausch) 便成為尼娜生命中一個很重要的創作啟蒙者;還在大學就讀時期的尼娜,因為鮑許的鼓勵,開始獨立自創舞作。1993年畢業之後,尼娜成為福克旺舞蹈工作室(FTS)的一員,參與了鮑許《春之祭》(  The Rite of Spring)的演出,之後她更擔任烏帕塔舞蹈劇場(Tanztheatre Wuppertal) ,作品 "Tannhäuser" 的教學助理。2004年起尼娜定居法國,多年來尼娜與不少當代知名舞蹈家合作,並發展出自己的舞蹈創作及訓練模式。2013年始,尼娜首度造訪亞洲,並與亞洲藝人結下不解之緣。

Dipla Nina was born in Thessaloniki. From 1980 to 1985 she was a member of the Greek national team of rhythmic gymnastics. At 17, she signed her first contract with the National Theatre of Thessaloniki. At 1989 also with a scholarship she went to study at the Folkwang Hochschule in Essen, where she graduated in 1993. She became a member of the Folkwang Tanz Studio (FTS) and worked there, among others, for Pina Bausch, with whom she danced  "The Rite of Spring". She was an assistant at Tanztheatre Wuppertal for the resumption of "Tannhäuser". Since 2004, Nina lived in Paris, she has collaborated with various renowned choreographers, and  developed her unique training and creative thinking. In 2013, Nina made her first visit in Asia, this is when she builds up close bond with Asian artists.

郭瑞萍 | Candy Kuok

Founding member of Soda-City Experimental Workshop. She had stayed and lived in Paris, London and India, receiving trainings that incorporated various disciplines and dance trainings. She was selected for the art exchange organized by Macao Cultural Center, receiving training in New York and Copenhagen respectively. In recent years, Candy has been creating dance works that enhance public awareness on the conservation of the city landscape /environment.