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Dancercise 舞習作・ 2020-2021
8月 : 《Welcome back to dance 回來跳舞 - 舞蹈工作坊》
11月 : 《The Experienced Body 工作坊》
12月 : 《身體即興工作坊》
2021年 : 《Gaga 動作靈感工作坊》
2021年:《探索的旅程 - 舞蹈工作坊》

Beyond Dance・ 2020-2021
5月 - 2021年1月 : 《在動中的自我察覺 - 舞蹈動作治療體驗》
9月 - 10月 : 《做自己的情緒容器 - 舞蹈動作治療體驗》
10月- 2021年:《舞動好心情 - 長者舞動體驗》
2021年 : 《Body Mind Centering 入門工作坊》


澳門藝術節 - 紀錄劇場《從記憶看見你》

2019年10月10日 星期四

探索內在資源 - 舞蹈 / 動作治療體驗工作坊 Explore Your Internal Resources

探索內在資源  - 舞蹈 / 動作治療體驗工作坊 


--Scroll down for English--

【Beyond Dance 系列.2019 】

單元一: 探索內在資源

每個人都擁有所需要的一切內在資源,來應對生命中的種種挑戰並從當中成長。有些內在資源自出生就存在,有些從嬰兒時期從父母及照顧者身上習得,有些則於後天發展出來。你的內在資源讓您擁有獨特而多樣化的個性和特質,而成為今天的您。您知道自己有哪些內在資源? 在甚麼時候會動用它們? 又帶給您怎樣的影響?

是次工作坊將透過舞動治療的方式 (dance movement therapy),以肢體動作為窗口,引導探索和覺察自己的內在資源,把這些寶貴資源成為豐裕的生命力量。

日期:2019/11/15, 11/22, 11/29 (連續三次星期五)

時間:19:30 – 21:30

地點:留白空間 (羅理基博士大馬路,德晉澳門藝術花園地下左室(培道中學旁))


工作坊帶領人:郭瑞萍 (Candy) - 註冊舞蹈/動作治療師 (中國)、註冊瑜伽導師 (美國)、資深舞蹈工作者

學 費 及 優 惠
a) 早報優惠:10月27日前報名及完成支付 澳門幣450
b) 正價: 澳門幣600(10月27日後報名)

報 名
http://bit.ly/beyonddance2019b 填妥及發送報名表格後,將收到電郵回覆確認付款方式。報名人士請於收到確認電郵後七天內支付有關費用,否則名額不予以保留。

工作坊帶領人 簡介
郭瑞萍 (Candy)
註冊舞蹈/動作治療師 (中國)、註冊瑜伽導師 (美國)、資深舞蹈工作者。


2016年起接受藝術治療系統培訓,受訓項目包括:2016-2018年中德舞動®治療師系統培訓並三階畢業、拉班動作分析、KMP 動作分析、巴特妮夫基本動作、真實動作、兒童舞動、身體導向的心理治療、動作發展模式、應用於老人的動作干預,及沙維雅治療模式等。


Everyone has all the intrinsic resources they need to cope with and grow from the challenges of life. Some internal resources are there since we are born, some are learned from parents and caregivers during infancy, and some are acquired afterwards. Your inner resources allow you to have a unique and diverse personality and traits that will make you today. Do you know what internal resources you have? When will they be used? What impact will it bring to you?

This workshop will use the dance movement therapy as a media to guide you to explore and aware your inner resources and make these precious resources a rich life force.

Date : 2019/11/15, 11/22, 11/29 (3 consecutive Fridays)

Time: 19:30 – 21:30

Venue: White Space (Av. do Dr. Rodrigo Rodrigues n. 265,, Macau)

Participant: Age 20 who intends to promote self-awareness and understanding, and bring about physical and mental changes through expression and communication.

Facilitor: Candy Kuok - Registered Dance Movement Therapist (China); Registered Yoga Teacher (USA); Choreographer

1) Early bird before 10/27 -- MOP450.
2) After 10/27 -- MOP600.

Sign up:
Fill in and submit on-line registration form (http://bit.ly/beyonddance2019b), applicants will receive a confirmation email with payment method. Applicants are requested to pay the relevant fees within seven days of receiving the confirmation email, otherwise the place will not be reserved.

About the Facilitor:
Candy Kuok, Founding member of Soda-City Experimental Workshop Arts Association, core member of Comuna de Pedra, registered dance movement therapist in China and registered yoga teacher in USA.Started to learn dancing since early age, Candy has travelled to Paris, London, India and Vienna, to receive trainings that incorporated various disciplines and contemporary dance techniques.

Candy has been selected and recommended as candidate by the Macao SAR Government to the UNESCO Fellowship Programme (Choreography and Dance Education). Kuok finished the 3-year choreography course at the School of Dance of Macao Conservatory in 2005. In 2008 and 2012, she was selected for the “Dance to New York - Choreographer Exchange Programme” and “Site-specific Denmark Exchange Programme” organised by the Macao Cultural Centre, receiving training in New York and Copenhagen respectively.

In recent years, she has been creating dance works that enhance public awareness on the conservation of the city landscape/environment. Since 2013, she has been curating the annual “OFF | SITE: Site-specific Performance Project”, integrating arts into the community.

Since 2016, Candy has been receiving formal training in creative arts therapy. The training programs include: 2016-2018 China-German Dance® Therapist System Training and Third-Level Graduation, Laban Movement Analysis, Kestenberg Movement Profile, Bartenieff Fundamentals, Authentic Movement, Children Dance Movement Therapy, Body-oriented psychotherapy, Movement Development Pattern, Dance Movement Therapy for Elderly, Satir Model, etc.

主辦 / Organizer|梳打埠實驗工場 / Soda-City Experimental Workshop Arts Association

活動資助 / Sponsor|澳門文化局 Cultural Affairs Bureau of Macao

2019年8月14日 星期三

Kitt Johnson Solo Creation Workshop + Open Training

scroll down for English

OFF | SITE・在場2019

Kitt Johnson 單人表演創作工作坊  



1 個人‧ 1 個空間 ‧ 多種可能

單人表演 (solo) 就是由一名表演者演出的獨腳戲,在沒有華麗舞台佈景和多樣服裝道具的搭配下,即便只有一個人的演出, 表演者依然能在有限的外在環境條件下,爆發無限的表演張力。 繼2014及2015年Kitt Johnson 與澳門表演愛好者深度探索祐漢社區並進行在地創作演出,今年Kitt Johnson 再度來澳,主持單人表演創作工作坊,以及帶領身體條件訓練課。


身兼舞者、表演者及編舞的Kitt Johnson,是丹麥表演藝術最具原創性和創新性的藝術家之一,憑藉她細膩的舞蹈語言、獨特的空間、舞台觸覺及出色的肢體控制,她創造出獨樹一幟的表現與風格,成為丹麥最受推崇的編舞家之一,其只此一家的藝術特色令她在國內外均極受注目。她的單人演出作品不斷獲邀到歐美各地演出並獲得多個奬項。其中包括:1999年單人作品Stigma獲頒丹麥藝術基金獎;單人作品The Mirror 獲2003年「雷姆特獎」(Danish Reumert Award)之最佳舞蹈製作奬並入選紐約時報年度最佳舞蹈作品體驗頭十榜單;分別於2008及2009年獲頒發最突出作品導演奬以及 Ole Haslund Honour Award;2013年單人作品DRIFT or drive 獲塞爾維亞「國際另類劇場節」 (INFANT Festiva) 之創新作品奬;2015年憑演出單人作品 POST NO BILL獲「雷姆特獎」之舞蹈家年奬,並為她贏得了丹麥藝術基金會頒發之獎金;2018年獲丹麥藝術基金會授予終身榮譽奬及資助。除了舞蹈,她還專注於在地場域創作、新馬戲以及兒童和年輕人的劇場作品。

日 期 /時 間
10/1、10/2 | 13:00 – 18:00 (含三十分鐘小休)
10/3| 19:30 – 21:30
10/5| 13:00 – 18:00 (含三十分鐘小休)
10/6| 14:00 – 19:00 (含三十分鐘小休)

課時|共 20小時

授課語言|英語 (有需要時可輔以廣東話傳譯)

地點|留白空間 (新 studio :羅理基博士大馬路,澳門藝術花園地下 (培道學校旁))


Post No Bills | photo by Per Morten Abrahamsen


『身體條件訓練』是一系列富強度、充滿活力與韻律的身體鍛練組合,它渘合了西方舞蹈訓練及日本舞踏藝術家田中泯(Min Tanaka)所創的“身體氣象”中的MB(即心靈 /身體、肌肉 / 骨架)動作訓練方法,訓練能有效地運動身體的每一個部位,加強身體的耐力,流動性,伸展度,協調性和平衡性。對身體正位,重心,呼吸,時間和空間的意識亦得以增強。


日 期 /時 間 
Class A - 2019/10/2 : 10:00 - 11:30
Class B - 2019/10/5 : 10:00 - 11:30

地點|留白空間 (新studio :羅理基博士大馬路,澳門藝術花園地下 (培道學校旁))

學 費 及 優 惠
(1) 單人表演創作工作坊
正價: MOP1500(8月30日後報名)
早鳥優惠:8月30日前報名並完成支付 MOP800

(2) 身體條件訓練課
正價:MOP150 / 每堂
早鳥優惠:8月30日前報名並完成支付 MOP100

報 名


Post No Bills  |  photo by Per Morten Abrahamsen

KITT JOHNSON Solo Creation Workshop 
Open Training


One person . One space .Multiple possibilities

Without a gorgeous stage set and variety of costume items, even with only one person on stage, the performer can still erupt in a limited external environment, unlimited performance tension. Following 2014 and 2015, Kitt Johnson and Macao performance enthusiasts explored the Iao Han community in depth and created site-specific performances. This year, Kitt Johnson will return to Macao and host the Solo Creation Workshop and lead two sessions of open training.

In this workshop, we will focus on the creation of solo performances. We will uncover the individual source of inspiration and explore the path from idea to staging. Through thematically based improvisational and compositional tasks, the individual creative process will be strengthened.

Kitt Johnson, a dancer, performer, choreographer, the artistic director of the company X-act, is one of the most original and innovative artists in Danish performing arts. Through her wide-ranging work with the language of choreography, a unique sense of space and her sublime body control, she has created a personal expressive style. In her performances, she creates intense and surprising tableaux, which investigate the deepest layers of human nature. This has placed her as one of the most respected Danish choreographers. Both in Denmark and internationally there is a great interest for her distinctive artistic universe. Her solo works have been invited to perform in various places in Europe and America and won a range of awards. Among them: in 1999 she received the Danish Arts Foundation’s award for her solo work “Stigma” ; in 2003 she won a Reumert for Best Dance Production and the New York Times Top Ten list of dance experiences of the year with solo work “The Mirror”; She was awarded the Danish Stage Directors Award of Honour in 2008, received the Ole Haslund Award of Honour in 2009, and the award for most innovative work for DRIFT or drive at the INFANT Festival in Serbia in 2013. She was awarded the Danish Reumert as Dancer of the Year 2015 for her performance in POST NO BILLS, which also earned her one of the prestigious grants from the Danish Arts Foundation that same year. In 2018, Johnson received the Danish Arts Foundation’s lifetime honorary grant. In addition to dancing, she also focuses on the creation of site-specific works, new circus and theater works of children and young people.

Date & Time:
10/1、10/2 | 13:00 – 18:00 (30mins break inclusive)
10/3| 19:30 – 21:30
10/5| 13:00 – 18:00 (30mins break inclusive)
10/6| 14:00 – 19:00 (30mins break inclusive)

White Space Studio (Address: Av. do Dr. Rodrigo Rodrigues n. 265, Macau Art Garden)

dancers, performers, visual artists, anyone interested in solo performance creation.


Open Training is dynamic, powerful training across the floor, accompanied by music. It works every part of the body effectively, strengthening your endurance, mobility, coordination, and balance. Awareness of center, alignment, grounding, breathing, time and space is enhanced. Each session concludes with stretching.

The training is a mixture of western dance forms and MB (muscle-bone or mind-body: the physical training component of butoh dancer Min Tanaka’s Body Weather approach), suitable for anybody who wants to work on increasing awareness of the body. Beginners and professionals alike are welcome – and all levels can benefit from the training.

Date & Time
Class A - 2019/10/2 : 10:00 - 11:30
Class B - 2019/10/5 : 10:00 - 11:30

White Space Studio (Address: Av. do Dr. Rodrigo Rodrigues n. 265, Macau Art Garden)

Participant: All levels

Fees & Discount
(1) Solo Creation Workshop
Fee: MOP1500(before 30th Aug)
Early Bird:Register and complete payment before 30th Aug. MOP800

(2) Open Training
Fee:MOP150 / per class
Early Bird:Register and complete payment before 30th Aug. MOP100

Fill and submit on-line form(http://bit.ly/offsiteWS2019),You will receive an email reply confirming your payment method. Applicants are requested to pay the relevant fees within seven days of receiving the confirmation email. Otherwise, the place is not guaranteed.

Follow us on facebook: https://www.facebook.com/events/1293577367482779/

Organizer | 梳打埠實驗工場   Soda-City Experimental Workshop

Sponsors | 澳門文化局、澳門基金會   Macao Cultural Bureau, Macao Foundation

2019年8月13日 星期二

《Beyond Dance – 動作探索與分析研習系列.2019》

動作符號 - 動作探索與分析(二)
Motif Writing 

拉邦舞譜*(Labanotation)是由魯道夫.拉邦(Rudolf von Laban, 1879-1958) 所創制的動作記錄系統。他認為舞蹈沒有辦法與文學、詩詞與繪畫等藝術齊名的原因,在於舞蹈沒有任何記錄,所以他集結一些古代舞譜的問題,修正成為舞譜。雖然,拉邦於 1958年與世長辭,他的理論並沒有因此就喪失殆盡。反而,透過許多的同事與學生發展,拉邦理論系統中的舞譜,更發展出許多新面向以面對舞蹈在不同時期的發展與變化。透過現代豐富的運用與操作,分析的方法以及一些特殊學校已使他慢慢的走向全世界。

是次工作坊中所使用之主題撰寫(Motif Writing)就是由拉邦舞譜衍生出來的一種符號系統,主題符號之重點在於提供動作探索的基礎,這與一般的動作學習有著共通性。不同於拉邦舞譜的作用,此一系統勾勒出動作的大綱以及動機,不需要仔細的描述動作細節,符號的本身已標示出動作基本模式,亦不需要特別強調身體某一部位的動作,讀者在看到符號之時,可以自由的選擇肢體動作詮釋該符號,長久發展下來,此一符號系統便成為描述動作與創意發想的絕佳工具。

繼去年的方向、路徑、彎曲與延伸、重音、旋轉、跳躍以及關係指針等符號,今年工作坊會學習不同的動作符號,藉由這些符號作為動作探索的指引,讓身體與時間與空間對話。除此之外,希望透過主題符號(Motif symbol)所帶出的肢體動作,在其中所尋得的「身體感」是否可以融入在不同創作領域中?抑或是這些創發出的肢體動作,是否可以再引發其他不同藝術形式的創作?這將是本次工作坊要繼續探索與探究的重點。

2019/08/16(五) | 19:30-22:30
2019/08/17;08/18 | 10:30-13:30 ; 14:30-17:30  (共十五小時)

曾瑞媛,現任臺北藝術大學舞蹈學院專任教授,美國俄亥俄州立大學舞蹈碩士。曾任臺北市立大學舞蹈學系專任教授、臺灣舞蹈研究學會理事長、台南女子技術學院專任副教授。經歷:擔任美國紐約舞譜局「初、中級舞譜教師」、「舞譜教師培訓」課程之授課及認證教師,獲文建基金會優秀人才獎助赴美進修,2011年曾代表臺北市團隊成功獲得2017世界大學運動會主辦權,2008-2013擔任臺北市立體育學院舞蹈學系主任,2013-2014臺北市立大學舞蹈學系舞蹈學系主任。研究領域為:拉邦動作理論系統之研究與課程開發。重要重建作品有Doris Humphrey 的 Water Study ,Hanya Holm的 Ratatat 以及 Victoria Uris 的 Sea Dreams 等作品。

學 費 及 優 惠
a) 正價: MOP1500(7月 20日後報名)
設單節報讀,每節費用MOP300 (工作坊內容具一定連續性,單堂報讀之參加者請自行考量)

b) 早鳥優惠:7月20日前報名及完成支付 MOP1000


c) COMBO優惠:MOP1000
   -或7月20日後個人同時報名參加或已參加由梳打埠實驗工場主辦的 《Kitt Johnson 單人表演創作工作坊

報 名


梳打埠實驗工場 -團體簡介:


web picture from Dance Notation Bureau
